12 November 2008

Happy Halloween!

Piggy, Pooh, and Onslo from Keeping up Appearances. Matt needs to gain a little weight to perfect the Onslo look but I think he did well with the hairy legs and boots, and sleeveless shirt.

Elijah as the dark knight.

Samuel and Silas getting candy.

Samuel showing off his facepaint.

Luke knocks over some bottles for candy.

Silas shows off his bare feet. We got to the party and he realized he wasn't wearing shoes. So we called Jen and asked her to bring a spare pair as she was on her way over. While Silas waited Sam pushed him around in the stroller. The two of them got loads of extra candy because people thought Silas was an invalid boy in a stroller and thought Sam was such a loving brother to push him around. They may do that again next year.

Me as a cowgirl I rustled up in my closet.

Luke with face paint.

Buzz Light Year on the Way!

Josiah got the most comments for his Clifford costume. (The head to the costume is hanging down Joe's back). Thanks Sam Wyatt!


eagle peak construction said...

No way! That's hilarious!

Sarah Kuhner said...

I love the "invalid boy" in the stroller thing. That is awesome.

I had taken Casey, Jeremy and Brittany to Armstrong grove for a walk. Casey was in his wheel chair since there was so much walking to do. We got to the area with the rope for blind people and told the kids what it was for. Casey grabbed it and started screaming, "I'm blind!! I'm blind!!" You should have seen the pitiful looks people were giving him. It was so funny!!!

Sarah Kuhner said...

I love the "invalid boy" in the stroller thing. That is awesome.

I had taken Casey, Jeremy and Brittany to Armstrong grove for a walk. Casey was in his wheel chair since there was so much walking to do. We got to the area with the rope for blind people and told the kids what it was for. Casey grabbed it and started screaming, "I'm blind!! I'm blind!!" You should have seen the pitiful looks people were giving him. It was so funny!!!