04 November 2009

Fun with Fez, Silas and Frogs

There are two story lines in the first 3 pictures. One shows Fezzik giving the boys a ride on the merry-go-round, getting his exercise, and being kept from running away. The second is the story of Silas catching a frog and running to show me.

Silas says he wants to be a farmer-doctor. We interpret that as a veterinarian.

We tied Fezzik to this trike because he can jump Nana's fence. I had to run an errand, without Fezzik and the whole time I was worried he would jump with the trike and get stuck.

He was really funny walking around and turning to look behind him, wondering what on earth was following him around. He finally got sick of toting the trike and just sat. : )


Kel said...

My church was going to butcher a goat once for some kind of traditional African feast. They had the live goat tied like that and it jumped over something and strangled itself. Weird huh? Glad Fezzik is smarter(?) than that.

Sarah Kuhner said...

That is one way to keep your dog in the yard.

Oh, and I love the merry-go-rounds like they have at that school. You never see them like that anymore. Who cares if the kids fly off and get hurt-it is an awesome toy.