03 December 2009

Crayon Soup

I made split pea soup tonight for dinner. When I stopped in to stir it I noticed some blue specks. Hmm. Split pea soup is green.

I began scooping out blue and found a blue crayon. The crayon continued melting in the scooped out portion.

I decided to continue looking for anything else odd in the soup. I also found a green crayon.

We ate the soup anyway. I'm sure crayons are mostly organic.


kelly said...

better than the thumb tack i once found in vegetable soup

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Nice. Taeya eats crayons all the time so they can't be too bad for you, right? That's some pretty blue soup though!

Grandma said...

I found a tack in my salad at a resturant.