21 February 2012

We do do other things besides getting hurt.

We also have friends over right before Matt comes home from Sam's club. Then we pull the whole Tom Sawyer whitewash story on them and tell them how fun it is to wash the refrigerator and put away the groceries. 

Here is Sam Z. having a blast cleaning out our fridge. He said truthfully, "It makes me feel good to help." Hurray!! Plus we gave him some really really efficient helpers in Monkey A (Gideon) and Monkey B (Titus).

Here they are with their friends building a snow fort. No one was injured in the process of taking photo one, but when mom looked up from the camera and saw the weaponry, all knives were confiscated. Henceforth, mom was booed, limbs were spared, knives still off limits. Igloo is still awesome!!

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