30 November 2010

Glory to God in the Highest and on earth Peace Good will toward men

This Sunday afternoon we had a special family time. This is one of my most favorite days of the year.

Matt and I cuddle up on the couch and sip hot chocolate or cider. We pull out some special Christmas cups and give the boys something tasty too and of course turned on some Christmas music.

This year we talked about the real meaning of Christmas. It was extra special because Elijah shared the story with the family instead of Matt or I. Then all the kids went outside and brought in the tree and the Christmas decorations.

While Matt and I cuddled, they set up the nativity scene, the tree, the garlands, the lights, hung the ornaments, wreaths, lit candles and then even took the boxes back to the garage.

I love watching the boys get so excited and enjoying putting up the decorations. There is also no stress because all of our good ornaments broke long ago and the tree is easy enough for a 7 year old to put up by himself.

The tree ends up looking very loved and still beautiful. The nativity scene is now missing Joseph, 1 wise man, 1 shepherd, and 1 sheep, but all we need is baby Jesus. : ) If some year baby Jesus gets cracked I think I will buy a wooden nativity scene. : )

Merry Christmas!


diana ferguson said...

This is the sweetest Christmas story I have ever heard. I'm so
glad that your kids are more important then stuff. God bless you all.
Love Gramie

Grandma Betty said...

That what enjoying your family and home is about. togetherness