06 May 2011

The Pit

The boys dug this pit in the yard by the fort.  I thought it was dangerous and made them fill it in, but not before I took pictures.  They had rigged up a bucket and pulley system and filled buchets and lifted them out by the pulley attached to the top of the fort.  Elijah told me he was going to need me to give him a candle eventually to make sure the oxygen down there was good.  Time to fill it up.


Unknown said...

Wow! Well I think your boys will be well prepared if they ever need to hand dig a well! Elijah must have read the Little House on the Prairie series?

Sarah Kuhner said...

Oh my! That sure took some time and a lot of hard work. How crazy. I'm sure that the kids slept well after they dug in that pit. I think that physical labor is excellant for children!!!