01 March 2011

Stomach flu prevention

We keep sharing the stomach flu with each other and I got online this morning to see if I could learn any additional prevention actions.  We are already using paper plates, not sharing food/drinks, washing hands, cleaning surfaces, like counters, lightswitches, doorknobs and still, lately, at least one kid per night barfs.

I was reading through prevention lists on several sites when the latest barfer got out of bed.

I read, "Keep your distance. Avoid close contact with anyone who has the virus, if possible."

And then Titus, the latest barfer, was standing next to me with sad eyes and flushed cheeks.  I thought about it for just a moment, and then gave him a big hug and held him close.  Maybe the "keep your distance" is just for siblings. : )


Little Snortster said...

Six hours later mom was throwing up with the rest of them :)


Little Snortster said...

ha ha matt. but actually I am feeling queasy. :{