29 August 2011

Abbey and her babies

Girls with 7 brothers that have dolls don't know what to do with them.

When Abbey got a new doll last week she socked it in the face on her way to the candy that came with it.

I've been really encouraged with her mothering lately as she has been carrying her dolls around.

I was cleaning the bathroom this morning and I asked her if she would like to give her babies a bath.  She got really excited and picked them up and walked toward the bathtub.  She stopped at the toilet, lifted the lid and proceeded to try and "bath" a baby in the toilet. Aggghhh!

Maybe the girl thing with come with time?

1 comment:

Sarah Kuhner said...

Oh poor girl. She needs to come hang out with my girls. They can give her a good lesson on how to be girly and paint her toes and play "Mommy/Baby" and such.